Statement from Alternative Media in Abya Yala regarding the situation in Peru

Read this statement in Portuguese and in Spanish

To the independent, free, community, alternative media at Abya Yala  and beyond,

To international civil society,

To the governments and international organizations that are meant to protect and guarantee human rights: 

We the undersigned, as representatives of community and alternative media, members of Indigenous and afro-descendant peoples, communities, and organizations of our Abya Yala continent (an Indigenous term used to refer to the “Americas”) , denounce the serious social and political situation that the Republic of Peru is experiencing, as a result of the legislative coup that has broken the rule of law in that sister nation.

We strongly reject the repressive use of the police and military forces that have murdered 39 protesters in 35 days, since December 7th, 2022, with direct shots to the body during the demonstrations and/or using snipers. In total, the number of deaths from the current social protests amounts to 47 people and hundreds of people injured.

Despite reaching office democratically, since the beginning of President Castillo’s administration in July 2021, the Peruvian congress has been characterized by a racist, classist and violent vision and narratives, and put forth a fierce fight for Castillo’s dismissal. The congress has dedicated itself solely to block the work of the executive branch, which has prolonged the stagnation of the State and the country. Six presidents in four years demonstrate the political instability that obviously generates discomfort in Peruvian society.

We express our concern about the tepid role of international bodies; the UN and OAS, that are already per se delegitimized, reiterate their position at the service of the interests of local oligarchies and international corporations to prevail over the needs of the population in general.

As independent communication media and collectives, we stand by the generalized rejection against  the media concentration that exists in Peru, where the radioelectric space is monopolized by a handful of companies that use it to spread a racist, classist and patriarchal narrative that confuses and polarizes public opinion.

We denounce that the state of national emergency, decreed by who currently usurps the presidency of Peru, is an open letter for the violation of all human rights, a history sadly repeated in the territories of our Abya Yala where repression gave rise to barbarism; a situation which we deeply regret again in Peru.

We urge the national and international actors involved to channel mechanisms for the restoration of constitutional order and respect for human rights in Peru.

We call on governments, institutions, international bodies and civil society throughout the continent to ensure that the Peruvian State respects and acts in accordance with the principles that govern human life on the planet; peace and respect for life, self-determination and autonomy of the peoples.

We invite the various free, popular and community communication groups to articulate in the dissemination and denunciation of human rights violations against the Peruvian people and their just demands.

From all Latin America we send our solidarity and support to the sisters and brothers of Peru. We are peoples of peace weaving the word to communicate the defense and care of life and territories.

Abya Yala, January 11, 2023

List of signatories


Movimiento Wiphalas ALEMANIA


Antena Negra TV

Cine en Movimiento


Asamblea del Pueblo Guarani Zona Yaku Igua

Red de la Diversidad Bolivia



Cineclube Caiçara

Colectivo Catarse

Witness Brasil

AYRCA – Associação Yanomami do Rio Cauaburis e Afluentes

Fórum de Comunidades Tradicionais Angra dos Reis/Paraty/Ubatuba


Movimiento por el Agua y los Territorios-MAT

Radio JGM – Coordinadora Justicia por Macarena Valdés

Radio Kürruf

Radio Placeres

Noticiero Rural

Gaceta Ambiental

Tomate Rojo


Radio Sol al Mundo

Canal 8 Peñalolen

Radio Werken Kurruf

Radio La Voz de Paine


Cabildo Indígena Muisca de Suba

Plataforma Comunicativa Popular

Resguardo indígena San Antonio de Calarma

Viento Visual

Tierra Negra


Costa Rica

Colectivo Radio 8 de Octubre


Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE)

La voz de la CONFENIAE

Federación de Organizaciones Campesinas de Bolívar (FECAB-FRUNARI)

Pueblo Shuar Arutam (PSHA)

TAWNA cine desde territorio

El Salvador

Asociación Intercomunal del Municipio de Intipucá “AIMI”


Red Wiphalas HOLANDA


Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares del Aguan (COPA)


Autoconvocadxs Madrid ESPAÑA


Centro Cultural Yankuik Kuikamatilistli-Tsilinkalli

Colectivo Audiovisual Satil Film

Colectivo video participativo Comcaac

Colectivo Herramientas para el Buen Vivir

La Sandía Digital

Laboratorio Popular Medios Libres

Vivas y Grabando

Witness México


Colectivo Maizal Audiovisual

Colectivo Piquete

Proyecto Comunitario Qayaqpuma

Espacio Abierto (Perú)

HUECC – Hacer una Escuela de Cine Comunitario

Colectivo LocoSAPIENs

United Kingdom

Wiphalas Network REINO UNIDO


Bolivia Plurinacional CH – SUIZA

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